Presidential race undecided: Where things stand in the uncalled battlegrounds – ELECTIONS IN REAL TIME

The latest status of the presidential election in uncalled battleground states.

Fox News reports, Millions of votes are still being counted on Wednesday as the 2020 presidential election between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden hinges on a handful of battleground states.

The race is still too early to call in those states and neither candidate is at the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency despite early victories in some important swing states.

Trump won Florida, Ohio, Texas and others, while Biden carried Arizona, Minnesota and New Hampshire, according to the Fox News Decision Desk. 

The race now appears to hinge on Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Those states all have some votes yet to be reported which, despite narrow leads for one candidate or the other, remain critical to what the final result will be in those states, and by extension, the presidential election.

Trump seemingly declared victory in a speech early Tuesday morning, while the Biden campaign believes the election is moving in its favor and that it could have a clear advantage as soon as Wednesday afternoon.

Votes are expected to be reported through the day Wednesday which could provide more clarity — though not necessarily a final projection — in some states.

The results of the elections in real time can be found here.  

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